boss employee conversation

John Moore/Getty Images

But there is one statement that tops the list in a complicated and not-so-good way when it is said:
“Your job is to make me look good.”
The responses are limitless, but are best left unsaid.


Read full article here

Depending on the social cultural blanket of your current society, things like these will be communicated in different ways.  In Toronto, for example, something like this would be said in an underhanded way and/or implied through actions and/or gossip.

This, in my opinion, is one of the problems in what goes on in management.  Ditto for governmental operations (mind you: I have a fairly general overview/insight on these things, not as detailed compared to others).  Much of the “system” is ran much more with reputation and “status” rather than placing energies on the actual work itself – plenty of places are ran by people stroking each other’s egos so favoritism comes into play with who gets promoted and increase in salaries and such.  I know a lot are complaining and are angry at the “system” – I was one of those folks (still am, on occasion), then I woke up and realized: that democracy and the government in itself is just another major business/organization that plays a major key role in societies.
And one of the reasons why it’s ran like shiet is because of the fact that leaders don’t think like leaders.
It’s good to have someone at the top who started off from the bottom – this way they actually worked for it and they would have good insight.  One of the potential pitfalls, however, is when they get to the middle (and even higher up the chain related to the managerial end of things), it’s pretty often that much personal (spoken and/or unspoken) favoritism comes into play and the promotion doesn’t become about the work, it becomes about which person agrees/gets along better with the manager. When this happens, susceptibility to change and innovation goes low on the priority scale (this is one of the reasons, IMO, for centuries now, why people are lacking a voice against stiff authoritative oppression. Democracy was built for the people and higher ups need to answer to the people as to why shit is fucking up left, right, and centre… is because there’s just so much corruption.  Yeah, I know, big surprise, right?  To take a closer look though, I find that plenty of people are corrupt – it’s because, as a good friend of mine pointed out: we are all born into a caste that comes with its own indoctrinations…and since we have a tendency to attract people whose energy resonates with ours, we also have a tendency to attract people who will validate our own shortcomings.  Hence, the general society that is slow to adapt to change as much of it have a tendency to be comfortable with inertia.  To study the ways in how this manifests, check out: Socio-economics)

Also, when someone gets promoted and still carries the caste-based behavior, they still end up thinking and operating like followers – just how like they were cultivated in the past.
Instead of internal affairs within the company and the business within getting more attention, it becomes a “hey, if shit fucks up outside and people bully you on that side, we’ll look after each other… I got you.  I got you.”
  It’s ran like a stupid gang or some fucked up cult.  I’ve seen it in offices, for reals.

I’ve also seen it happen before, where, some people really just want to do a good job or don’t talk much because most of their energies are on productivity and continuous learning, but then they get pegged as “assholes” and “bitches”…
All it is, IMO, is that these people’s own misplaced egos and insecurities (fear manifested, or as this article would put it, “threatened competency”) were missed by the “bitch” or “asshole” because…they were…oblivious…to it.
First hand experience on both ends.  Trust.

My two cents.

Read: Pansy vs Asshole
The Queen of Versailles: A Brief Psychological Socio-Economic Analysis of the North American Dream

Oh and also, some companies have taken the initiative to hire change agents to accommodate this.
Change Agents: by web definition is “a catalytic force moving firms and value streams out of the world of inward-looking batch-and-queue.
Inward-looking: not interested in or taking account of other people or groups.
Batch-and-queue: producing more than one piece of an item and then moving those items forward to the next operation before that are all actually needed there. Thus, items need to wait in a queue.

(yes, I had to look up these definitions myself)

Disclaimer: I am aware that we all grow in our own ways on our own paths and everybody’s got a unique way of seeing the world just as we all have different roles in society. There is a saying I really like, “If you want to live the life that you are capable of living, you have to ask yourself what your role is in society.”
PS. I believe that artists are society’s change agents…and the government needs more change agents.  What they are currently failing to do is recognize talent or it’s recognized, but it’s not getting enough credit nor attention because there are people who bring in sensibilities that threaten the current norm.

NO ONE is beyond judging.  I often hear of things like “don’t judge people” blah blah blah.  I really don’t agree with that.  To me, that’s a statement of denying that we judge.  I think the right statement would be to not deprecate someone based on their current social realities, but definitely judge situations (and situations, more often than not, involve PEOPLE).  If we deny that we judge, we’re going to end up denying our own individualistic paths just as much as we’re going to end up wasting energies into validating that denial…you know with statements like, “We travel and go out into the fields, but we do our best to be humble – we don’t take it against the farmers that they’re farmers…”
WTF?  Why the fuck would you even take it against farmers that they’re farmers.  That’s just fucking stupid.


We ALL judge.  The things you judge in others are the things you judge within yourself…and that is why, I’m an idiotist…because I’m not beyond being a moron myself.
Perhaps this is my way of embracing the caveat of self-defeat and the irony of existence.

PS.  I am an unemployed twat.  So, if you find yourself offended with this article, by any means, maybe you can take comfort in that.  lol.
Plus, hey, this is, at this time, just another portion of the truth that I personally hold.